
The simple truth is that jobs won’t disappear, because our need for energy won’t disappear. In fact, a shift to green energy will actually create more jobs.

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Experiment with data to learn how phasing out fossil fuels can save the planet, and free up funds for a fairer world.

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The renewable energy sector already employs over 11.5 million people globally.

Recently, the International Labour Organization estimated that the move to low-carbon, greener economies has the potential to create 24 million jobs by 2030 – that’s the equivalent of the populations of Zimbabwe and Austria combined – which is far more than the 6 million jobs that could be lost.

On the flip side, if we don’t phase out fossil fuels, many jobs that people currently rely on will soon be affected. For instance, temperature increases can make heat stress more widespread amongst workers, and decrease the total number of worked hours.

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